Can I have circular/round items on my map?
Yes .
The most used round item is Circular Map under the Tent category.
For any non tent items you can use the Circular Misc. Item under the Misc. category
Are there some useful key combinations I should know?
Indeed there are!
Rotating Objects
Hold the CTRL key and press the left or right arrow key to rotate the current selection by 1 degree. Hold the Shift key also to rotate 22.5 degree.
Moving Object Numbers
Hold the Alt key while dragging ONE selected item to move the position of its number vis a vis its main body.
Moving Objects straight
Hold the Shift key while dragging a selction to constrain the move to either a horizontal or a vertical move, whichever is the greeatest.
Deleting Objects
Hold the Shift and delete keys to delete the currenly selected items.
Moving Objects
Press any arrow keys to move the current selection in the direction by one pixel. Hold the Shift key also to move the selection by 5 pixels.
Reseting Object Position
Double click on an items to reset its position and move its number right below it. Hold the Shift key to only reset the number position.
Rotating Map Overlay
Hold the Ctrl and Alt keys to rotate the overlay.
Hiding the Property Rollover Popup
Press the Alt and Windows/Command keys to temporarily close the property rollover window.
How Can I Optimize My Event Recycling Program?
a good rule of thumb for recycle bins placement is every 30-40 yards. This is not easy to achieve manually. You can use the Spatial Analysis tool in the EventMapStudio event site map creator to efficiently layout your recycle bins.(Click here to see a video)
- Open your map and draw an event border for the area where your event will take place.
- Create a recycle map item and place it on your map.
- Open the Event Intelligence palette and go to Spatial Analysis
- Set the radius to 60 feet (20 yards) and select Recycle bins.
- Duplicate the existing recycle map item as many times as you need to and place the resulting items in a way that the circles on your map cover the map entirely
- You now have a perfect layout with recycle bins placed every 40 yards.
If you want to leverage this map to actually set up the actual bins in the most efficient manner you can follow the following steps:
- Set the export property of all the recycle map items to true
- Load all your recycle bins on a truck
- Open your map in event-goer mode and enable geolocation
- Drive your truck and set up a recycle bin using the markers on the map.
If you export all the recycle bins to the event-goer map all the people attending your event will be aware of the exact location of the recycle bin. They will be more likely to recycle and will also be made aware of the importance your organization attaches to recycling.
How do I create an Event Map?
There are many different type of maps you might want to create for an event. EventMapStudio helps you create 4 types of maps.
THE map
The first event map in EventMapStudio is a map event producers can produce to layout and manage their event. This complete map includes everything that is it includes both the public facing items such as stages or portalets and the backstage items such as staff parking or artist trailers. It is to scale and fits the requirements of many regulatory requirements to produce a map. It is the definitive map of the event and includes everything that needs to be there. The uniqueness of this map is that it is targeted at the people producing the event unlike many other maps usually targeted at people attending the event.
Filtered event maps
From this first map one can filter the items by types. EventMapstudio will let you produce a map with only the tents or only the stages. There are many more categories that can be used to filter items and these categories can be combined. You could for example produce a map with all the entrances and the public transportation around them. These filters are useful to make the event map less overwhelming and to share information with certain stakeholders. For example you could decide to share a tent-only map with your tent vendor.
Public map
It is useful for eventgoers to access a festival map to orient themselves once at the event. EventMapStudio lets you specify what items from THE map should be made visible to the eventgoers. The resulting public event map can be integrated to the event's web site and access from desktops prior to the event or from phones while at the event. The public event map is responsive/phone friendly and allows users to select what items they are interested in. Event organizers can include categories such a stage beer first aid food etc.. These categories can be used to filter items on the event map. The event map also offers geolocation so the user can see their current location with respect to the item they are looking for. Each item also has a popup window associated to it in order to display any useful information.
3D map
Eventmapstudio provides event producers with a 3D event map to better understand the layout and spatial relationships between layout items.
The one source of truth
The power of EventMapStudio is that all these maps are generated from the same data. Running a music festival on the banks of a river that is running high? Need to move some tents at the last minutes? If you move the tent on THE map the public will automatically see the resulting change on the public map.
So.....looking for an interactive event map? Chances are EventMapStudio has the type of map you are looking for. Register for the free trial.
How Can I Encourage Public Transportation Usage to Come to my Event?
According to Julie's Bicycle -a leading organization in the sustainability in the arts space- "Audience travel accounts for the largest portion of the carbon footprint of any event or venue"1. Encouraging Public transportation use is therefore an important element of any eventās sustainability plan. A factor in encouraging public transportation use is the proximity of your eventās entrances to bus stops and subway and train station exits. EventMapStudio provides an easy way to achieve this through the combination of two of its Event Intelligence wizards:
- The Transit Locator
- The Spatial Analysis Wizard
Here are the five easy steps to achieve this:
- Place the center of your event location at the center of your screen
- Go to the Event Intelligence palette and click on the Locate Public Transit button
- Select which public transit stations you want to insert on your map
- In the Spatial Analysis wizards elect the Mass Transit item and set the radius to the maximum distance you want your entrances to be from public transportation
- The circles on the map show you where you can place your event entrances so they are easily accessible by the public
You also want to make your event map available on your web site so event-goers can see how accessible your event is and can actually decide to use public transportation.
{ { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "HowTo", "name": "Strategically Place Event Entrances for Public Accessibility", "description": "Learn how to encourage Public Transportation at your Event.", "step": [ { "@type": "HowToStep", "name": "Set Event Location Center", "text": "Open EventMapStudio Map and search for your event location. Ensure the event center is at the map's center." }, { "@type": "HowToStep", "name": "Access Event Intelligence Palette", "text": "Click the 'Menu' icon in Map' top-left corner, and select 'Event Intelligence'." }, { "@type": "HowToStep", "name": "Locate Public Transit Tool", "text": "Inside the Event Intelligence palette, find and click the 'Locate Public Transit' button." }, { "@type": "HowToStep", "name": "Select Public Transit Stations", "text": "Choose relevant public transit stations from the list provided." }, { "@type": "HowToStep", "name": "Configure Spatial Analysis", "text": "Access the Spatial Analysis section, and choose 'Mass Transit' as the analysis type." }, { "@type": "HowToStep", "name": "Set Radius for Entrances", "text": "Adjust the radius for entrances in the Mass Transit analysis settings." }, { "@type": "HowToStep", "name": "Place Entrance Locations", "text": "Observe the circles on the map indicating suggested entrance locations within reasonable distance of public transportation." } ], "estimatedCost": { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "currency": "USD", "value": "0" }, "tool": [ { "@type": "HowToTool", "name": "Google Maps" }, { "@type": "HowToTool", "name": "Event Intelligence Palette" } ], "supply": { "@type": "HowToSupply", "name": "Computer with internet access", "estimatedCost": { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "currency": "USD", "value": "0" } }, "performTime": "PT15M", "totalTime": "PT30M", "prepTime": "PT15M", "image": "https://example.com/how-to-image.jpg", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Olivier" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "EventMapStudio", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "https://www.eventmapstudio.com/sites/default/files/eventmapstudio-logo_0.png" } } }}&lt;/body&gt;{<script type="application/ld+json">{{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "HowTo", "name": "Event Planning Workflow & Process", "description": "Learn how to layout your event using event layout software.", "step": [ { "@type": "HowToStep", "name": "Build Your Map", "text": "Create a festival map and design your event by dragging and dropping stages, gates, generators, tents, trucks, and fencing using EventMapStudio's event layout software. Resize and reposition items on real maps with an intuitive user interface." }, { "@type": "HowToStep", "name": "Enhance Your Map", "text": "Label items using tags or free text. Utilize smart tools for efficient event layout. Integrate local public transportation, solid waste plans, and visualize occupancy based on social distancing. Implement sustainability features and include mass transit data." }, { "@type": "HowToStep", "name": "Share Your Map", "text": "Generate detailed reports, print customized maps, and access your event site plan from anywhere. Share secure maps with partners, agencies, and vendors. Provide real-time geo-enabled event maps to your audience. Publish sustainability plans for public access." }, { "@type": "HowToStep", "name": "Reuse & Refine Your Map", "text": "Iteratively refine your event map. Changes made are instantly reflected in reports and eventgoer maps. Duplicate existing events for faster planning. Archive and access each event's map online using EventMapStudio's event layout software." } ], "estimatedCost": { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "currency": "USD", "value": "0" }, "tool": [ { "@type": "HowToTool", "name": "EventMapStudio" } ], "image": "https://example.com/how-to-image.jpg", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Olivier" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "EventMapStudio", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "https://www.eventmapstudio.com/sites/default/files/eventmapstudio-logo_0.png" } } } } } </body>
I have a problem resizing a particular map items
Sometimes a map item will not resize correctly when I change its height or width. You should select it and then double-click on it. The item will now be reset and your resizing issue will be over.
The angles of one of my rectangles are not 90' angles
Sometimes a map item has abnormal angles. Select the map item and then double-click on it. The item will now be reset and all its angles will be 90'.
Can I share my maps with vendors and governement agencies?
you can share the data in 4 ways:
1) Print the image of the map. You can use the Generate jpg function in the contextual menu/left click on the map for this. You can filter the items on hte map using the view palette
2) Generate a report and share the resulting Excel. You can give a vendor the sheet that relates to them, for instance the tent sheet to the tent vendor, or the sanitation sheet to the garbage and recycling vendor.
3) You can share the map live in our system as a read only map, or with full read/write rights. To do this, the third party needs to have an account in our system ( that is free, we charge per map, not per seat). One they have a account you can
- go to your home screen,
- click on share,
- add member,
- type their user name in the User field,
- and select viewer or groupadmin as their Role.
- You can also select another role but that will give them the write access. as a viewer they will only see the View Tab and be able to zoom in/out and change the type of the map.
4) You can use the QuickShare command to generate a read-only link to the map and email it to whomever you want to share it with. This link will be valid for a period of time, from 1 week to forever. You can set this period by selecting it in your map's record. It is set by the Length of validity of Quickshare links attribute under the Map Display section.
How can i Share my Event Map?
There are two ways to share your map from the my events page.
- You can use the share command to select a user and share the map with them. You can grant the user read-only or full-right to the map. If the person you want to share your map with does not have an EventMapStudio account, they will have to have one created. At any point in time you can modify the access you granted.
- You can use the QuickShare command to generate a read-only link to the map and email it to whomever you want to share it with. This link will be valid for a period of time, from 1 week to forever. You can set this period by selecting it in your map's record. It is set by the Length of validity of Quickshare links attribute under the Map Display section.
How can I improve event sustainability?
EventMapStudio has a multi-layered approach to improving your event sustainability.
- At event definition you can specify different sustainability-relevant attributes of your event such as the existence of plans such as a plan to reduce the transportation carbon footprint of the public or a recycling plan. At this point you can specify the plans....or start thinking about getting help to put some in place.
- As you build your event layout EventMapStudio makes environmentally-friendly options item types and properties available to you. Moreover the user interface helps you distinguish which options are more sustainable by presenting them in green.
- As you build you event layout our algorithm considers each change you make and its effect on sustainability, and delivers real-time feedback in the form of a five-pronged rating along 5 sustainability dimensions:
- Power
- Water & Sanitation
- Food
- Transportation
- Health& Wellness
- As the complexity of your layout evolves you can choose to power the real-time feedback with Artificial Intelligence to leverage sustainability knowledge and expertise from the Web, beyond what is already included in EventMapStudio.
- EventMapStudio also includes sustainability wizards which automate eco-friendly options. The Transit Locator is such a wizard.
- At any point in time you can get feedback on the sustainability of your event by simply generating a sustainability report. Our sustainability report will rate your event on the 5 sustainability dimensions.
as well as provide you with an overall sustainability rating.
Of course this software-based sustainability help should be seen only as a complement by no means a replacement to human-based expert sustainability planning and goal-setting.
I have an item on my map and want to change its item type. Do I have to delete it and replace it with another item?
No, it is much simpler than that.
- select your item,
- go to the Object Inspector
- select the new type of your item.
The item wiill have a new type but all the properties you have already set will remain set. Note that this does not apply for perimeter items.
Sometimes the rollover on map items gets in the way of what I am trying to draw
You can temporarily deactivate the rollover.
- Open the view palette,
- UI Element visibility
- Hide object properties on hover.
You can get a quick intro on general palette functionalities at https://www.eventmapstudio.com/training/135/palettes
Is there a text tool?
There is no Text tool per-se, but there are several ways to add text to your map,mostly by using the annotation tool.The annotation tool allows you to add text to the map, size it, rotate it, move it, and color it. You can use a line anotation to draw a callout on your map, with the line stretching between the area you want to call out and the text itself. You can also make the line so short that the text stands by itself. Finally you can us an area marker annotation to frame your text.
Don't forget you can also display descriptive text for each item as part of its number label by checking the Show object label in the Object Inspector or the project palette.
and you can position the numbers/labels manually by
- selecting te object
- holding the Alt Key ( this used to be the shift key)
- draging the mouse
Can I download an entire map portion rather than segments on screen
The printout only works with what is currently visible on the screen. One useful trick is to rotate the map to match your screen which is wider than higher. Also you can go to full screen ( top right button on the map), and use the background menu ( click the mouse and hold the ctrl key) to generate the image. What you see on the screen might look small, but the image we generate can be zoomed in a lot once you open the png file we generate. https://www.eventmapstudio.com/training/278/rotating-your-map
How can I redo labels/numbers - rename elements?
EventMap Studio helps you keep track of the items on your map by assigning numbers automatically to most of them. These numbers appear on the various reports, making it easy to track the different items on the map. Sometimes the numbers that are automatically assigned require some reordering. You can go to the project palette, Object/item numbers and ārenumber all Map Itemsā it will renumber all the object from left/top to right/bottom. To rename individual objects you need to edit them one by one, changing their Object Name in the Object inspector palette. A known issue is theat the list in the view palette does not update properly. If you want to use it you will have to save your map and reload it.
You might have an item whose number you do not want to change, regardless of its position. You can lock a number by selecting the given item and selecting Lock Number from the contextual menu (right click or CTRL click on a Mac). The number will not be changed by the renumber functionality. To release a Loked number, select Unlock Number from the contextual menu.
And remember you always position the numbers/labels manually by
- selecting the object
- holding the Alt Key ( this used to be the shift key)
- draging the mouse
Simplifying line and polygons.
Sometimes you want to simplify a line you have drawn. This can be true for Annotations, Perimeters, or Infrastructures. You can do it by following these steps:
- Select the item you want to simplify
- Move the mouse over the item. A the junction between segments, a blue spot will appear.
- To delete the point corresponding to this blue spot, click on it while pressing the alt key.
This will delete the point and recompute the line, or perimeter, without the deleted point.
Is there a way I can stop my anotations from moving everytime I click on them?
You have drawn anotations on your map to delimit all the main areas of your event. When you click on map items you sometimes inadvertently click on the anotation under it instead. You can deactivate anotations by checking the Lock Anotations checkbox under Object/Items Numbers on the Project palette. If at any time you want to change an anotation you will have to momentarily uncheck the checkbox.
My event takes place downtown, I would like to get the exact adresses in human readable format for all the items on my map.
The Addresses Report lists the human readable address of each item on your map. You can generate it by clicking on the Addresses Report button on the Event Intelligence palette. The address is generated from the longitude/latitude data for the items using a technique called reverse geocoding.
When I created my event I forgot to specify an address. Can I add an address?
- If you have not edited and saved your actual map, then no problem. Just go back to the event, enter the address and save. Next time you open the map it will open at the address you just entered.
- If you have already edited and saved the map, then the map location is saved as is. You can still go and edit the address in the event, but this will have no effect on the map itself.
- At any point you can select all the items on your map and either moe them to a new location or delete them, then move to a different location on your map and start again.
The bottom line is that once you have saved your map once, the location of the map and the address of the event are independent.
Happy Mapping.
Can I export my event layout to another format
You can export your map into the KML format. This functionality is available in the report section of the Event Intelligence palette. KML is the format for Google Earth and is readable by other software such as CAD or Google Maps.
Alternate object color option might not be working? I can't seem to change it from black
Depending on the browser it might be a little tricky.
- select the object you want to change
- go to the object inspector
- click on the colored rectangle
- select the color using the pop-up window
- Once you selected the color , you have to click on the rectangle again to register the change.