a good rule of thumb for recycle bins placement is every 30-40 yards. This is not easy to achieve manually. You can use the Spatial Analysis tool in the EventMapStudio event site map creator to efficiently layout your recycle bins.(Click here to see a video)
- Open your map and draw an event border for the area where your event will take place.
- Create a recycle map item and place it on your map.
- Open the Event Intelligence palette and go to Spatial Analysis
- Set the radius to 60 feet (20 yards) and select Recycle bins.
- Duplicate the existing recycle map item as many times as you need to and place the resulting items in a way that the circles on your map cover the map entirely
- You now have a perfect layout with recycle bins placed every 40 yards.
If you want to leverage this map to actually set up the actual bins in the most efficient manner you can follow the following steps:
- Set the export property of all the recycle map items to true
- Load all your recycle bins on a truck
- Open your map in event-goer mode and enable geolocation
- Drive your truck and set up a recycle bin using the markers on the map.
If you export all the recycle bins to the event-goer map all the people attending your event will be aware of the exact location of the recycle bin. They will be more likely to recycle and will also be made aware of the importance your organization attaches to recycling.