you can share the data in 4 ways:
1) Print the image of the map. You can use the Generate jpg function in the contextual menu/left click on the map for this. You can filter the items on hte map using the view palette
2) Generate a report and share the resulting Excel. You can give a vendor the sheet that relates to them, for instance the tent sheet to the tent vendor, or the sanitation sheet to the garbage and recycling vendor.
3) You can share the map live in our system as a read only map, or with full read/write rights. To do this, the third party needs to have an account in our system ( that is free, we charge per map, not per seat). One they have a account you can
- go to your home screen,
- click on share,
- add member,
- type their user name in the User field,
- and select viewer or groupadmin as their Role.
- You can also select another role but that will give them the write access. as a viewer they will only see the View Tab and be able to zoom in/out and change the type of the map.
4) You can use the QuickShare command to generate a read-only link to the map and email it to whomever you want to share it with. This link will be valid for a period of time, from 1 week to forever. You can set this period by selecting it in your map's record. It is set by the Length of validity of Quickshare links attribute under the Map Display section.